30.06.2020 Transnational visitor survey for the Wadden Sea region started On 27 June 2020, the first-ever coordinated visitor survey covering the entire destination of the Wadden Sea World Heritage in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands was kicked off. Read more
29.06.2020 Guided cycle tour operator talks safety distance during COVID-19 Bürte and Björn had to postpone their first season's kick-off, but used the time for new tour ideas. Read more
26.06.2020 SME from Prowad Link partner region the Wash & North Norfolk Coast shares COVID-19 experience Henry Chamberlain shares their struggles and hopes while restrictions are still strong. Read more
26.06.2020 Prowad Link study explores barriers for sustainable entrepreneurship in the Wadden Sea region To better grasp of the current situation in these nature areas, the project partners have compiled a report of what hinders SMEs to shift to more sustainable solutions Read more
22.06.2020 Wadden Sea Board conducted first-ever online meeting (WSB 31) Due to the pandemic, the meeting planned in Esbjerg (Denmark) had to be moved online with members joining from their offices and homes. Read more
16.06.2020 New video on East Atlantic Flyway showcases Wadden Sea among other crucial sites In a collaboration with partners along the East Atlantic Flyway, headed by the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat, the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat released “A Call for Cooperation: Saving the Places Migratory Birds Call Home”. Read more
15.06.2020 Rømø nature mediator talks about the impact of COVID-19 on educational work In the newly published video, Bente Bjerrum, Nature Mediator and National Park Partner takes us to Rømø, Denmark, and talks about the situation at the Naturcenter Tønnisgård. Read more
09.06.2020 Online conference strengthens transboundary collaboration on coastal protection On 4 June 2020, together with its sister projects FAIR and C5a, Building with Nature organized an online conference “Be adaptive to become resilient”. Read more
05.06.2020 East Frisian entrepreneur talks sustainable travel in new Prowad Link video Prowad Link wanted to know how SMEs are coping during the pandemic and set out to provide a voice and platform in the frame of an inspiring video series. Read more
05.06.2020 Wadden Sea Day 2020 on Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative postponed to autumn The 2020 Wadden Sea Day will focus on the achievements of the Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative since it was launched in 2012. Read more
03.06.2020 New report on sustainable tourism gives enterprises an overview of the world of ecolabels What are ecolabels, why are they useful, how can they be used – those are the questions answered by the desk study “Ecolabelling for tourism enterprises – What, why and how”. Read more
26.05.2020 German World Heritage sites to celebrate "Welterbetag" virtually The annual World Heritage Day in Germany was moved to an online platform, where the Wadden Sea and other sites can be explored virtually. Read more