Common Wadden Sea Secretariat publishes annual report on trilateral activities

An overview of the main activities of the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS) and the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation (TWSC) of the past year can now be viewed in a newly designed annual report. The report is a product of the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat and is available online.
“Like the Wadden Sea Newsletter, reintroduced in May, this new version of the Annual Report was already planned before the pandemic”, says Karin Lochte, Chairperson of the Wadden Sea Board in the publication’s editorial. “But it seems rather fitting to start this new publication in 2020 to keep you all well informed despite social distancing.”
A focal topic of the report is climate change. A lead essay discusses the current and projected climate change impacts in the Wadden Sea. The Expert Group Climate Change Adaptation, which leads the discussion on adaptation at a trilateral level, presents its latest activities, among them the climate vulnerability index, in the following article.
Further topics (a selection): The Partnership Hub took a new step of development with the appointment of Cristina Nazzari as the new officer in the CWSS working on this. The Swimway Initiative is taking off. The partners of the Interreg project Prowad Link responded to the current pandemic. An update is given on the development of the single integrated management plan (SIMP).